- airfibre
- June 15, 2022
- 12:07 pm
Since 2008
Protecting Vital Communications
This week a Link failed on the network due to an obstruction in the Line of Sight. It beggars’ belief that anyone might consider it reasonable to leave a pile of old furniture and other junk on top of a Georgian building in Dublin waiting for a gust of wind to cause a fatality five storeys below?
In some ways this is comical and hopefully easily resolved.
Earlier in the week, we faced interruption to service due to new buildings being erected, which is far from comical and brought to mind that many years ago that, shortly after starting the business, we faced collapse because of another development at one of our principle high sites that provided primary connectivity to 25% of our customers.
I don’t understand why a building development is not permitted to proceed without absolute sign off that infrastructure in the ground (electricity, gas, water, communications lines) will not be disturbed and yet any one can throw up a construction that destroys licenced microwave links for which,
a) the provider of the link pays a wayleave (which will not be refunded if some bozo blocks it) to Comreg for permission to use the spectrum between two exact fixed points; and
b) Comreg can identify accurately where an obstruction will cause interference to the necessary Line of Sight.
I think it high time that building applications should include a mandatory application to Comreg (for which the developer pays) to identify potential obstruction in advance with a compulsion upon the developer to work with those affected to ensure continuity of service.
Airfibre has many, many organisations within both the public and private sectors (including hospitals), which depend upon the connectivity it provides for essential mission critical services.
Whilst this is an extremely rare occurrence (it has happened three times in the fourteen years since Airfibre’s foundation), it can and should be avoided.
If it is determined to be in the public interest that a construction takes precedence over the communications then consultation with Comreg at the outset would at least afford an opportunity for alternative plans to be made to ensure continuity of service.
Business Broadband
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Business Broadband. What do you need to consider? If you are buying business broadband, you have a great deal of considerations that you need to factor in before making a decision. In this blog I seek to address the fundamentals that you need to consider including: What is business broadband? Is…
LoS Planning
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Protecting Vital Communications This week a Link failed on the network due to an obstruction in the Line of Sight. It beggars’ belief that anyone might consider it reasonable to leave a pile of old furniture and other junk on top of a Georgian building in Dublin waiting for a gust…
Measuring Personal Inflation
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Measuring Personal Inflation – Get a grip… Noting a press article yesterday outlining how Putin is planning for an extended war on the premise that the economic coalition waged against Russia will breakdown over time, I am inclined to predict that the inflation we face today is going to hang around…
Bio Chips
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Bio Chips My erstwhile colleague and business partner (the bearded technical one) told me several years ago that he would be first in the queue for a chip implant into his hand if only to be able to settle the bill for his pint (and mine) with the wave of his…
Telco Suicide
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Telco Suicide In the 1960s telecommunications networks were crap; albeit the preserve of insanely smart engineers giving birth to the Internet (read up on ARPANET). By the early 80s telecommunications and packet switching networks were brilliant. They worked. The operators were respected. The industry was booming. Now, once mighty Telcos appear…
Getting Ready for the META Internet Business World…
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Getting Ready for the META Internet Business World… Having returned from UK following an extended Covid inspired leave of absence I returned to commuting to Airfibre’s new offices in Dún Laoghaire along a route that takes me past numerous bus and LUAS stops along the way The numbers of people with…
Firewall (FaaS) & WiFi (WaaS) as a Service.
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Getting Ready for the META Internet Business World… Wake up & get real for the masses Based upon research and live customer experiences dating from Q4 2017, I have come to the opinion that the FaaS & WaaS add to the long list of technologies where vendors over rate the value…
The Internet Layer Cake
Serving Businesses Since 2008 The Internet Layer Cake With the announcement that Airfibre is adding an INEX peering point to its Cork exchange I got to thinking that the majority of Airfibre’s customers may well ask “So What?”. Whilst the benefits to Airfibre as with any Telco are obvious (more efficient utilisation of the backbone…
No Communications with Communications Companies? How Ironic…
Serving Businesses Since 2008 No Communications with Communications Companies? How Ironic… I read with interest recent publicity regarding the near impossible challenge of dealing with Telcos over the phone. Whether it is a billing enquiry or a call for support, we have all become to accustomed to the ritual. The automated answering system generally wastes…
Market Sector Analysis
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Market Sector Analysis As an Internet Service Provider, Airfibre’s rate of business expansion has been impacted by Covid-19 – clearly less relevant than the health toll placed upon the country. Telco’s can draw ‘business comfort’ from their recurring revenues business model and dependency of their customers upon the communications services that…
Airfibre predicted Eir’s withdrawal from the NBP
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Airfibre predicted Eir’s withdrawal from the NBP Airfibre predicted Eir’s withdrawal from the NBP in its White Paper published in May 2017 which examined the technical and financial challenges associated with NBP delivery and questioned the commercial logic of Eir’s participation. The paper’s content is still valid and questions whether delivery…
Airfibre Commissions NBP Research
Serving Businesses Since 2008 Airfibre Commissions NBP Research Airfibre has commissioned research into determining what the National Broadband Plan (NBP) is likely to hold for businesses across Ireland. Whilst Airfibre is unlikely to gain or lose as a consequence of the NBP, the Company is cognisant of the expectations of the business community in regard…