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Slow Internet …?

Serving Businesses

Since 2008

Your business may be suffering slow internet speeds for a whole myriad of reasons.

    • Slow internet speeds that have gradually got worse may be due to contention. Unlike Airfibre Direct Internet Access (DIA) for businesses, many low cost broadband circuits operate on the basis of many customers sharing a backhaul link.These are contended circuits. Telcos will try to pull the wool over your eyes with terms such as ‘uncongested’, but in reality there may be 50 businesses now sharing the bandwidth whereas there were just a handful when you started. So your 100Mbps will really only be capable of 2Mbps at busy times. Click here to find out if Airfibre uncontended business broadband services operate in your area.
    • Slow internet speeds when operating in the cloud will most likely be due to your internet circuit not being symmetrical; that is the upload speed is not the same as your download speed.Low cost broadband circuits typically offer an upload speed of 10% of the download speed, so now your circuit may be operating at 200Kbps, which is entirely impractical for:
        • Cloud based computing
        • Remote workers using servers at your own office
        • Voice over IP telephony
        • Video conferencing

Click here to find out if Airfibre symmetrical leased line services are available in your area.

    • Slow Internet speeds may be attributable to a poorly specified Firewall that is unable to cope with the traffic loads it needs to handle. Once again, this may have arisen over time as workloads increased. Airfibre’s Firewall as a Service (FaaS) ensures that your needs can be accommodated as they evolve over time. Moreover, Airfibre FaaS is based upon military grade firewall technology that is updated to combat ongoing threats as they evolve. Click here to learn more about Airfibre FaaS.
    • Slow Internet speeds may be the consequence of poorly designed WiFi infrastructure. Obsolescent hardware or poor coverage design may mean that the bottleneck exists within your own infrastructure. Airfibre’s WiFi as a Service is a managed service for WiFi that encompasses correct design and installation of WiFi for business infrastructure and ongoing assistance and support whenever issues arise.
    • Airfibre’s ONECALL combines WaaS, FaaS and Direct Business Internet Access (DIA) circuits to give you a single point of responsibility for all of your business broadband requirements. Click here to discover how Airfibre ONECALL can resolve a plethora of connectivity issues.
    • Slow Internet speeds may simply be because the bandwidth that you ordered originally, simply does not cut it anymore. With Gbps connectivity available from Airfibre you are assured of a growth path that will accommodate your requirements however they evolve.
      Click here to find out if Airfibre Direct Internet Access services for businesses operate in your area.
    • Slow Internet speeds within your own infrastructure does not necessarily indicate a fault with your Internet circuit. In order to validate a speed test (use it imperative that you connect directly to your circuit independent of other users and infrastructure. Once you have established that you are getting what you paid for you need to either look internally to identify network misuse/abuse or review your upgrade options.

Contact Airfibre now

for assistance in resolving your slow Internet speeds.